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RegNode is a template class that represents a reg component in SystemRDL.
RegNode can contain only FieldNodes, and it must be instantiated within AddrmapNode or RegFileNode.


RegBase is a base class providing constexpr constants for basic information about the register. The base class does not provide any write or read capabilities.

It is a template that takes the following template arguments

template <uint32_t BASE, uint32_t WIDTH, typename PARENT_TYPE>
class RegBase {

The template parameters are:

  • BASE is an address offset within an AddrmapNode.
  • WIDTH is a width of the register.
  • PARENT_TYPE accepts a specialization of an AddrmapNode template, and is the type of the containing addrmap. It is necessary to pass this type, because the write and read methods of the field will pass these requests to the parent register, along with the value written.

RegRdMixin and RegWrMixin

Since the RegBase class does not provide any write or read capabilities, these two Mixins are supposed to provide the additional capabilities to the registers. They are supposed to provide setters and getters for the registers, along with operator overloads. The memory access is not done by these mixins, but the requests are instead passed to the addrmap nodes.

Register access methods

The 2 mixins will provide at least the get() and set() methods for accessing the register.


RegNode is a template class inheriting the parameter pack of mixins. The prototype is as shown:

template <typename... RegMixins>
class RegNode : public RegMixins...

In order to provide Register that have Read, Write or ReadWrite capabilities, the template RegNode is inheriting parameter pack of Mixins meant to provide the additional functionality.

For example:

  • RegNode inheriting only RegRdMixin will be a read-only register.
  • RegNode inheriting only RegWrMixin will be a write-only register.
  • RegNode inheriting both RegWrMixin and RegRdMixin will be a read-write register.

In order to ease the use of these templates, common specializations of RegNode is already provided under the names:


is a read-only field with a declaration:

template <uint32_t BASE, uint32_t WIDTH, typename PARENT_TYPE>
using RegRO = ...


is a write-only field with a declaration:

template <uint32_t BASE, uint32_t WIDTH, typename PARENT_TYPE>
using RegWO = ...


is a read-write field with a declaration:

template <uint32_t BASE, uint32_t WIDTH, typename PARENT_TYPE>
using RegRW = ...

It is advised to use these specializations to construct your registers