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Command-Line Arguments


peakrdl halcpp [-h] [-I INCDIR] [-t TOP] [--rename INST_NAME]
[-P PARAMETER=VALUE] -o OUTPUT [--ext [EXT [EXT ...]]]
[--list-files] [--skip-buses] [-f FILE] [--peakrdl-cfg CFG]


FILEPositional+compilation args
-h --helpOption0optional arguments
-IOption1compilation args
-t --topOption1compilation args
--renameOption1compilation args
-POption1compilation args
--remap-stateOption1ip-xact importer args
-oOption1exporter args
--extOption*exporter args
--list-filesOption0exporter args
--skip-busesOption0exporter args

-h --help

show this help message and exit


One or more input files


Search directory for files included with `include "filename"

-t --top

Explicitly choose which addrmap in the root namespace will be the top-level component. If unset, The last addrmap defined will be chosen


Overrides the top-component's instantiated name. By default, the instantiated name is the same as the component's type name


Specify value for a top-level SystemRDL parameter


Optional remapState string that is used to select memoryRemap regions that are tagged under a specific remap state.


Output path


list of addrmap modules that have implemented {name}_EXT class in {name}_ext.h header file, used for extending functionality


Dont generate files, but instead just list the files that will be generated, and external files that need to be included


By default the SystemRDL hierarchy is preserved but it can be simplified by removing buses (i.e., addrmap containing only addrmaps, not registers). This is achieved by passing the --skip-buses flag.